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JustALeg Surgery Solution Osseointegration for Amputee Kare Zigay YouCaring Help Today

JustALeg Surgery Solution Osseointegration for Amputee Kare Zigay YouCaring Help Today
VANCOUVER, BC, CANADA, September 26, 2016 — An amputee solution two years in the making is close to becoming a reality for one local woman thanks to support from complete strangers using an approach to assist amputees with the possibility of greater and more effortless mobility using the newest innovation in the field of prosthetics.

Over 180 patients from Australia, the United Kingdom, USA and New Zealand have been successfully treated with surgery that removes the need to wear a socket which would mean no more pain! No more limitations for walking!!

A grassroots fundraising campaign to cover the costs associated with this life changing surgery has been established by her daughter Andra at a popular CrowdFunding site called YouCaring and you can help her reach her goal today at

Demand for stem cell therapy and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is exploding, and for good reason: Regenerative medicine offers hope for patients with a myriad of injuries.

As patients learn that stem cell therapy and PRP therapy can be performed using their own stem cells rather than embryonic cells, they are actively seeking doctors who practice regenerative medicine.

“The most limiting factor in being an amputee has to do with the socket. It’s hot. It’s painful. It’s time consuming to take on and off and very (very) emotionally draining and stressful when you need to have a new one made. You put on weight – you need a new socket. You take off weight – you need a new socket. It just plain sucks.”

It’s time consuming to take on and off and very (very) emotionally draining and stressful when you need to have a new one made. You put on weight – you need a new socket. You take off weight – you need a new socket.

It just plain sucks. Enter Osseointegration… when you wake up in the morning, instead of taking several minutes to salve and spray, put on the liner, step into the socket… take it off and step into it again because the alignment isn’t right… take it off and step into it again because the alignment isn’t right… take it off and step… well you get the picture… just attach your prosthetic knee to the end of your implant and BOOM! that’s it.

Unfortunately, Osseointegration is not available in Canada, there is a need to raise the money for the entire cost of the procedure plus travel expenses. And timing is of the essence. As an amputee for 29 years and has been told that she is experiencing progressive bone loss in her femur which is creating a risk of the bone fracturing.

There are a few ways you can make a difference and support a great woman overcome.

  1. Donate today using PayPal (please note the donation will be in US funds),
    2. Send an e-transfer to (the donation will be in Canadian funds),
    3. or an offline donation by cheque via mail.
    4. Visit the YouCaring site and donate using a Debit or Credit Cards at

For offline donations, you are welcome to send a cheque to Kare Zigay, PO Box 224, Lake Cowichan, BC Canada V0R 2G0. We will add offline donations to our total on the website, so they show as helping us reach our goal.

What is Osseointegration?

Here’s a short video on what the process looks like… (warning ~ this video could be considered too graphic)


Kare Zigay

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