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Funeral Expenses for CPL Jason Gile GoFundME Viral Promo

Please help with funeral cost for my husband and father of our children, Corporal Jason Gile.

Although his funeral has already taken place, all the planning and payment fell on me, his wife and the VA and SS Disability cut us off financially when he passed away at home on 9/21/16. I have had to borrow money from several people and I have to pay them back as soon as possible. I am in NO WAY profiting from this, just wanted to make sure that he received the funeral and burial that he deserves, with respect, dignity and honor.

Please share or donate. Also, please keep us in your prayers, as our 3 disabled sons and our daughter are having a very hard time dealing with the passing of their daddy. I am lost and broken without my soulmate, the man I planned on growing old with 🙁

God bless you and please hug those you love tightly. Don’t EVER miss a chance to tell someone you love them.

Diane Gile