Disabled Scared Please help Medical Lung – CrowdFundingExposure.com

My Wife and I are in real bad need for help. When I became sick an had lung ,an heart problems. I can not work anymore. I wish I could . I have slowly lost my home , job an most of all of ..my respect. My wife and I live on $586.00 per month . We don’t receive food stamps. We are close to being homeless. About half way thru the month we run out of food .Anyone that reads this we are real an sorry for having to ask for help. We have exhausted all government agencies. 9286003204 is my number if you wish to call.

My Wife and I need help very bad

Scared and Disabled . We are in need because of my medical lung an heart problems. My time is running out of time to help


Show your support TODAY at https://www.gofundme.com/2jlafv8