You Are My Hero GoFundME Marketing PR Agency

Why Should You Donate To My Fundraiser Specially When There So Many Heart Breaking Worthy Causes?

This is a very tough question. I honestly can not give you an answer. I know that even though I do need a helping hand and that I have fallen on hard times. There are so many people out there that are dealing with things no human being should ever have to deal with.

How Did I Come To Asking For Help?

We were actually doing well not that long ago. My husband had a good job. I had a decent job. Life was good. We have five kids three grandkids and we were in a position we could help out. Then out of nowhere my husband lost his job in July and at the time we were living in a very small Northern Cummunity were there are no jobs. So we decided to take what we could in a 6 x 12 trailer and the back of the truck and move to a big City on August 1st were we thought it would be a great move and we would find work easily.
In the mean time I broke my denture’s before we moved and they were temporaily fixed and the dentist informed me because the were old that I would need to get new ones.
So we made the big move and even though we gave up alot of things, it was still a pricey move. My husband found a job right away but it was not even close to the money he use to make and I also found a part time job as a waitress. We were still not making enough to cover all the bills and my husbands truck payments so my husband traded his truck in for a car and the payments are a little lower and it’s better on gas. Then on Halloween night I totally snapped my denture’s on a chocolate bar and have been using crazy glue to hold them together. Then my husband got laid off from his job last saturday and I have disconections notices for everything and we are behind on the rent our phones will be cut of this week and we are also worried about losing the car. And I can’t even think about Christmas because all this is just too much to handle.

Have I Tried EveryThing To Find Solutions?

Yes I have. I have done my research and there are no programs that will help me with getting new denture’s. To walk into and Denutre’s office ranges from $89 to $100. To get new Denture’s the average cost is $2000 per plate and this doesn’t even cover the cost of having to go in for each visit to get fittings.

Why Is Getting New Denture’s So Important?

My denture’s are being held by crazy glue, which I am possitive this can not be good for me. It’s full of toxin’s. I can not eat anything solid and I can not eat at all when I am at work because they will break again. They are so fragile. I have to be careful they don’t break when I’m chewing because I could choke on them. My upper mouth is getting very sore because they are broken. If I don’t get new denture’s I will not beable to work without teeth. And we are already in alot of financial distress that if I don’t have a job. Well I don’t even want to think about that.

I Know you work hard for your money and it’s not fair for me to ask for your help. And Please believe me when I say I would not be asking if I had any other options. I can’t even begin to tell you how grateful I would be if you could open your hearts and spare $5.

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Laurie Skinner Lewicki