When you donate to this account big or small you are helping me help random homeless familys or individuals. All proceeds from this account will go towards me taking them to pick out new outfits and new shoes and personal hygiene. I will get themoff the streets and into a room so they can shower an sleep safely for more than a day. I will take them grocery shopping to stock there mini fridge up for the time they are staying in the hotel and as a bonus i will let them choose a place that they would like to eat out at and while we eat we will discuss what it is that needs to be done to get them back on their on track and on their feet. So please donate something weather it’s BIG or SMALL.
Also Please be sure to share this on your facebook or Twitter account
***Every person that is helped will be documented via video camera and posted on youtube for all those who donate to see what they have contributed towards if they consent to it. If not i will respect their privacy and just help them out as stated above.
Thank You And God Bless Everyone!