Hello, my name is Kari and I have been diagnosed with end stage liver disease and a failed pancreas all from a gallstone that choked off the organ. I have come to grips that I am not going to have a long life or see my golden years, The doctors have officially classified me as terminal as any and all treatment options are gone. My liver will shut down and nature will take it’s course. My husband Danny and I have come to grips with the reality and are making the best of day to day stuff. I find it harder to find happiness somedays. I am spending more and more days in the hospital. It’s only a matter of time before I have to go hospice. I’m only 44. That is when I turn to music I love. I am trying to knock out a few things on my “bucket list”. One of the last things besides winning the lottery is to go see Rammstien live and visit the pacific ocean, statue of liberty etc…. I know I won’t do most of that. But, have to try before I can’t function any longer. It’s really depressing so is life. This has been a huge dream for me for a long while now. Any,any, any help is absolutely appreciated more than anyone could know or understand. My husband has taken care of alot of the other things that I wanted in my short time. But, I am just trying to raise a few bucks to get to see them in Dallas. It would bring me so much happiness in a dark time in my life. I would be eternally grateful for this noble jesture. If you could just share this post with some compassionate folks, I would be happy with that and probably cry , thank you all so very much….