One last step to family stability YouCaring Boost IDIDIT Campaign Donors

The Walker Family may not appear different then most. They are a husband and wife trying to make a better life for their 3 children with special needs. (2 are permanently disabled, one has a rare genetic disorder that is dormant at this time). The walker children have been through more traumas then most adults have had to endure in their lifetime.

Everything that life has thrown at this family to knock them down only sets them back a minute and they come back and keep fighting for a better life for their children.

Let me tell you about who this family is individually and why I am asking for you to help them with this miracle. I will then simply list some of the traumas they have gone through so you can understand a bit more. But because this is already long i will add a more comprehensive account of their story immediately after this post as an update for those of you that wish to read it.

For those of you that wish to just scroll to the end to find the details about this home and a brief list of some of the traumas they have endured, you are more then welcome to do so. I will label it in bold “DETAILS ABOUT THE HOME” & ” BRIEF LIST IF TRAUMAS THIS FAMILY HAS BEEN THROUGH” for your convenience.