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#MyDisneyLifeChallenge is a snapchat challenge that I’m trying to make trend.
The challenge is you snapchat part of the day or whole day by putting a Disney movie song and then sharing it to his/her story to show his friends.

@Ali21photo is an Industrial Engineer and been a photographer for 10 years now . He created this challenge by making videos that were taken by snapchat that tells a story about a person’s life. All his videos were taken by snapchat and he put the full lion king soundtrack on one day that was called #LionKingDay . @ali21photo is the same photographer and the same character in those videos (which is the guy in the directer hat) .

#LionKingDay was a Day that @ali21photo shared his life and story where he showed his audience his routine of his full day from the moment he opens his eyes until he closed them.

@Ali21photo posts his snapchat stories not all at once but he is trying to make this challenge of his as a mini series to share to the world where there will be a final episode.

For example very week he posts two or one story that are related to each-other where when you watch them all together you get the full story .

@Ali21photo is still continuing sharing his videos to the world where he plans to put more disney movie songs like from Tarzan, Toy Story , Aladdin etc.

@Ali21photo got his directer hat from the Warner Brothers Studios in LA on the summer of 2016

@Ali21photo is a Saudi Student who is 22 In the Engineering field at Milwaukee School of Engineering and at his last year

@Ali21photo learned English since he was in kindergarten where he was In Houston,TX with his family and he also traveled around the world where he studied In UK,Japan and Canada thru his elementary school

@ali21photo learned most of his English by watching alot of Movies and TV shows since he was a child

@ali21photo took the IELTS once when he was 16 and got 6.5 where that was the same score that MSOE needed to be enrolled

@ali21photo is looking to have the experience in working in the United States as a visual designer or something to do with design, product production, advertising or anything creative, etc. where his dream job would be to work in a big company like Google, Amazon, Disney, YouTube, Sony, Warner Brothers, Apple etc.

@Ali21photo wants to make this challenge trend so everybody can share their Disney Life Stories

@Ali21photo posts his snapchat stories on his youtube channel Ali21photo

@Ali21photo is a guy named Ali Al- Mubarak

all @Ali21photo wants to show the world how he thinks and share his work, creativity and mind to the world

@Ali21photo wants to meet Ellen DeGeneres,Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift.

@Ali21photo Doesn’t Show his face on his video but he shows his back where you coud see the guy in the Directer Hat.

@Ali21photo is sharing his favorites songs of his favorite Disney Child movies.

when @ali21photo shows the change in time in his videos , he puts 21 minutes because that is his favorite number.

@ali21photo first has a Facebook page since 2012 that has now up to 6000 likes.
he also has the same username in Instagram since 2015 that has up to 6000 followers

@ali21photo Made a twitter account less than a month ago and now has up to 6000 followers