Relief for Mouth Breathers. Simple, affordable guaranteed relief for mouth breathers
Mouthbreathing-relief at last
- I really want to be one of the sound sleepers in Graphic Two; not who I am now in Graphic One. My name is Tom Wallace. My background includes teaching; sales; and building my own company from 0-3 million in sales in 5 years. Due to circumstances and a dramatic shift in the economy particularly in my industry, that company no longer exists.
- Snoring and other related sleeping issues caused by mouth breathing is a personal embarrassment. I know because I snore. I don’t sleep well as a mouth breather. I don’t even know who will read this, but it is still uncomfortable to put this out in the open. However, many of you may relate because you have the same problem that I have. Research tells me over 90 million people suffer with sleep problems often related to this affliction so I am quite sure my audience will at a minimum be in the millions.
- I have tried just about every device out there and have not found any that work for me. I want simple and uncomplicated solutions to anything that will help, but interfere the least with my sleeping.
- I have a very simple and more effective solution than any that would in any way be considered similar.
- I need $40,000 to get a marketable prototype created. $7500 for legal protection and the balance for the prototype and manufacture readiness.
- In so far as it will be legally possible, I will allow all investors to participate in an early ownership offer. Obviously, the choice once we have a working product the options range from the infomercial route to selling the device outright.
- Finally, if I do not reach my goal, obviously the first side of what comes in will go toward protection of the creative uniqueness of my invention.
- I think it goes without saying that I may possibly help several million people not only sleep better, but eliminate the embarrassment and shame we all feel related to those who have to suffer along with us by sleeping in the same beds.
- I have never put my mind to any goal without success from teaching to company building. I.
- I will communicate regularly with my investors as to the progress of the project as I believe that they are entitled.
- I have proven the effect of my invention so that is not an issue.
- I have also scoured the markets and am quite certain my invention is unique in its effectiveness.
- The only hurdle is making sure the marketing is good marketing. This device will sell.
- Anyone with strong marketing experience please contact me for possible tangible participation over time.
- Please remember you can use the Indiegogo share tools!
Thank you for looking at my request.
Tom Wallace