My cousin’s son Shaun Ryan Jacobs who has suffered from diabetes since he was a small boy has recently had his foot amputated due to his disease at the age of 29. After an agonizing 2 weeks of trying to heal, he has been told that they will now be taking his leg. He has also been told after being in the program waiting for a kidney transplant that he is no longer eligible for the program and will not be given dialysis for free, This now means that he will need to pay for this on a weekly basis. Not being able to work for quite some time due to his illness has left him with no funds. Not having a medical aid, Shaun cannot live without dialysis. And at a cost of nearly R10000 a month (Roughly $750 per month) This is a very difficult task.
What I am hoping to do is collect enough funds to cover at least 3 years of his Dialysis to alleviate the strain on his family and see if I can get him onto some sort of medical plan.
I thank you for your time and hope that we can raise these needed funds. God Bless.