Huge Auto Accident HELP Needed ASAP GoFundME Marketing PR Agency

Where to begin? Things have been rough for the last year (and then some). My wife Kristin Alyse was in a serious auto accident on July 27th of 2015, she was t-boned by a guy who ran a stop sign.

Her vehicle was totaled and she sustained significant head trauma and lasting physical and cognitive damage. Over the following months the company she had worked for for five years eliminated her position, the company I’d been working for changed its management and that sent me seeking new employment.

To make a long story short, all of our money is gone, my wife has been diagnosed with an adrenal tumor, a uterine tumor, fibromyalgia, planters fasciitis and even with insurance we can’t afford the copay to get medications. We have exhausted our savings and our families have helped as much as they can.

We invested the last of what we had in the bank in stock (quadcopter drones), business license, and the accoutrements necessary for selling those drones at various public venues in the attempt to become more self sufficient (which hasn’t worked out as we had hoped as yet, but we haven’t lost hope!). However, though I’m working 40+ hours weekly at my regular job and an additional 20 to 30 on weekends, we are entirely out of money. Because of my wife’s medical conditions and doctors appointments, she has been unable to find work (but she’s still trying).

Unfortunately, I have become the sole provider and I have nothing to pay the bills or rent with, nothing to order replacement stock with, nothing to afford the medications my wife requires, nothing to repair the questionable vehicles which we depend upon for transporting ourselves to work, appointments, rehabilitation etc.. No money for bills, none for food, none for Thanksgiving even. So in hopes of having a place to live, hopes of paying for medications, hopes of better health and mental well-being and continued pursuing of the American dream, I humbly request your assistance. Thank you, in advance.
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