Serious attempts to protect the rights of the most vulnerable groups like children, women and disabled takes both idealism and realism but most of all it requires resources like time and money. This is a fundraising campaign to collect the necessary resources. Your contribution will be used to create apps for educational awareness raising campaigns and recruitment services for the challenged groups. See more:
Apps can be used to help and find win-win matches for challenged job seekers and companies; a sort of recruitment Tinder that provides a direct communication channel between companies and job seekers affected with autism, Asperger, mental health issues, various disabilities.
Fulfilling life includes at least these two things: human relationships and a job. I personally suffered from stuttering when I was younger, thus I know that even a slight challenge/difference from the norm can hinder one’s career and social opportunities.
Why not to focus on possibilities, on candidates’ strengths and interests instead of limitations?