My sister Brittany and her husband Dustin have been trying for several years now to get pregnant. With no success, Brittany visited her gynecologist to seek help. For several months they had her on expensive medications to help her try and conceive.
When that was unsuccessful she sought out the help of a fertility specialist. She had her first appointment in September and they scheduled an exploratory surgery to see if they could get some answers hoping that it was just a simple fix. On November 11, 2016 Brittany went in for her surgery but didn’t receive the news they had hoped for. Brittany’s Fallopian tubes are badly damaged and un-repairable.
This news was devastating to them BUT there is still hope. Brittany is fully capable of caring a baby but will have to do so through a process called IVF. This procedure is very pricey and can range from $10,000 to $15,000. I have made this account in the hopes that we can help them get the miracle that they so desperately long for.
If you can give anything we would greatly appreciate it. No one deserves to be a mommy more than my amazing sister!