Help Support for Juan De Dios and Family GoFundME Boost IDIDIT Campaign Donors

I am writing this on behalf of my dear uncle. Recently he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. It has already spread to his lungs, liver and brain. He was given a month to live we are not prepared for the funeral or what is to come. He is a hard worker, never taking any vacation or time to get regular health check ups till now that it’s to late. He would never complain so we had no idea how sick he is or how he has been feeling. he was to busy working & always providing for his family of 6.

He has worked as a carpenter for over 17 years for the same man. His employer was never good at paying him on time, even though some days my uncle would work many hours sometimes 22 hours straight of over time to get the job done. His boss has not paid him for several months now and with him not being able to work. His employer disappeared on the family owing him months of pay as soon as he found out about my uncle situation leaving the family in severe hardship things are extremely hard for my uncle and his family.

He has 4 children and a wife to provide for. My aunt has Lupus and unable to work. The kids are all in school the reality has not hit them yet there is one son that is old enough to work but its overwhelming for him to take care of the whole family in such a short notice and they are barely making it by.

He doesn’t have a lot of time on this earth. and I know that his heart is heavy knowing that he is leaving his family in such a heartbreaking situation. He is a hardworking, righteous man, with a good heart and I am trying my best to help him out.

My biggest wish is for him to be at peace, knowing that his family will have a roof over their heads and will not struggle after he is gone. If you are able to contribute to my uncle, I would be so grateful as well as his family. 7k for funeral expenses the rest for groceries, utilities , housing and a chance to keep the kids and Family from having there life stabled this are great kids and it breaks my heart to see them go thru this.
Anything helps
Thank you