Help Sarah Breathe Immediate Asst. GoFundME Campaign

Sarah who is struggling with several diagnoses causing her lungs to fail and keeping her from being able to work even minimally to try to support her and her children as she is a single mother.

Due to uncontrolled asthma, COPD and cardiac diagnoses and continuing to not get well after a 3 years of fighting this in Nevada It was decided to have her move to S.California to stay with family as she can no longer live alone to care for herself & her children.

Also needing to see several specialists in the area to help us understand & fight to get her well. Due to the many unexpected expenses along the way moving, Medical, Transportation costs to and from specialists near and not so near. As well as Care Givers to assist her and her kids as there are several things to be done daily that she physically can no longer do in order to help keep her well.

Through all this more than anything Sarah would like for her children to have a room, a place to go that is theirs, away from the living room, so we are needing to extend the home by adding at least one room to my Mother’s home (Sarah’s Grandma) during this very scary, life changing, and confusing experience for them, as well as a place for my niece to rest when she returns home from hospital stays which can sometimes be several day admissions. She can and truly needs to have somewhere to come, call home and be able to rest.

Thank you