I had a baby on the 20th of July. A month and a half before that mine and my fiance’s roommate bailed out on us. Because of that we lost half the income we counted on. We were unable to make rent and had to leave the apartment we had been in for two years. Friends allowed us to stay with them but it is currently 4 adults and 4 children in a one bedroom apartment.
We have the opportunity to move into a 3 bedroom apartment with these wonderful friends. Unfortunately we are severely short on funds with the new baby and moving costs. We are in desperate need of money to get this apartment and keep our family off the street and or out of a shelter. We are approved for the apartment and everything is arranged as long as we can come up with the money. I have always tried to do things on my own, but for my family
I will humble myself to beg for help. Please, anything you can spare will make a huge difference for us!
Help us today www.gofundme.com/2emz8uv4