I’m here as a last resort to get my son hearing aids. He has moderate hearing loss in both ears. To get him the best hearing aids is over 5 grand. I would be so grateful to even get him the lowest ones he needs which are $3500. Plus we have the expense of $1500 for fittings and office calls etc
Vincent is a sweet, loveable, SMART, autistic boy. He also suffers from social and separation anxiety as well as ADHD. Life is difficult for him without the added difficult of hearing loss. I have been trying to save for a year but I’m strapped from driving him to and from therapy which is an hour one way. I suffer from CRPS and an unknown heart condition which has made me unable to work at the moment. I do what I can and am constantly searching for a desk job I could do.
All I want more than anything is to help my baby as much as possible to make life easier. He asks me everyday when he can get his hearing aids and it breaks my heart to not be able to say “today”.
Any help would be beyond amazing and such a blessing. Thank you for reading. God Bless ❤️