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The Vision: For some joyously overwhelming, heart filled, unexplainable reason, in the spring of 2016, my desire was to lead a group bound for Yisra’el (Israel).

Why is it important for us to go to Yisra’el? If we look our communities like Detroit, and other urban communities across the country, we see our youth killing each other and we find those who look like us are at the bottom of almost every disparity group. Since 1967 (why 1967?), we have seen our families in poverty, and those who have made it out of poverty are still lost and hurting. (This paragraph doesn’t explain why it’s important to go to Yisra’el? You state a fact, but for the average person what’s this fact have to do with you going to Yisra’el?)

Who are as a people really? We have been labeled “Negros”; we have been labeled “Coloured”; we have been labeled “African Americans”; and we have been labeled “Black”. However, the one thing we know for certain is that we are connected to a powerful entity that has sustained us through it all.

According to the Religious Landscape Survey conducted in 2007 by the Pew Research “Black” (which is a color not a nationality) Americans are the most religious population, wherein 87% of “Blacks” vs. 83% of all Americans are affiliated with a religion. The researchers further conclude that 79% of “Blacks” vs. an overall 65% of the population say that religion is “very important” (Pew Report).

Bottom line is we were given a religion that said we could not read, or write. Our culture, our heritage has been wiped out, so for the majority of us we have no way to even trace back our true names. Everything we have built has been destroyed and now we find ourselves at war within ourselves. Many have tried to come in the name of religion to set us free, yet no matter what we have tried (i.e. being Catholic, Protestant, Baptist, Non-Denominational etc.), we are still lacking and hurting as a people.

Our pain still not recognized. Others who were enslaved have been given reparations, their culture and tribes recognized. There is funding for them to maintain their culture and their language, and their beliefs are recognized.Yet, when we as a people go forth, trying to discover our true identity, we are seen as rebellious and asked to just forget; but how can we forget after 400 years of enduring so many atrocities?

Programs alone do not work. Even the programs that we have established, i.e., NAACP, and other organizations like Black Lives Matter have not relieved any of our stressors. We are still dying, our youth are still being influenced by those who sold their selves for fame and whose music glorifies gang violence and influences our young men to be thugs. Fathers are still being ripped out the home and being sent to prison or being murdered. Another issue of removing our men from our homes is when a young women need public assistance, they are told their children’s father is not able to live with them, and so mothers are left to raise the children alone and in poverty. Understand that in our community our men have always been taken from the home, this practice dates all the way back to slavery when they sold our fathers and tore apart our families. With no fathers, our sons were left to train themselves and mothers were left to discipline them. Because of the harshness our women had to inflict in order to keep our sons on the straight and narrow, many young men in the our community have learned to treat our women with disdain and disrespect; it is a ripple effect. But I tell you; at one time we were not so fragmented. The emotional and mental abuse that has been passed down from generation to generation has hurt us, yet through it all, Yahuwah has never forsaken us!

The ONLY TRUE solution for our community: We must return to our place of origin and seek our own truth! That way when we return we can share the Love of the Truth of being a Hebrew, so the healing process can begin. To be able to tell our sons & daughters that we did not start as slaves, but we were Kings & Queens with our own language and culture, and we had a covenant with The Most High, Yahuwah. It was our forefathers’ disobedience that removed us from the blessing and placed us under the curse.

Why is knowing our identity important? It is evident to this day that so many of us do not know their identity. Our goal is to further study our history by going back to Yisra’el and walk the places our forefathers walked and get answers. We are the ones that must bring our community back to Yahuwah so He can wake them up.

The consequences of being disobedient:
We do not seek to call out others for what has happened, for we are learning that had we not left covenant with Yahuwah we never would have been sold into slavery.

It is finally time for purification: For a people who have been broken down on every level, all we seek is that you would feel compelled to assist us in going back to our native land and furthering our study. We desire to train and equip our community with answers, to come back and share the Truth in love, because until a people know who they are, they will remain fragmented.

Who are we? We are all professionals, some of us hold PhDs and Masters, while others are CEO’s and Mentors who have been sharing and living in peace together. We come from Northern California, Texas, Georgia, El Salvador, New York, Costa Rica and Honduras with so much love for our community! We are grateful to be selected to return to Yisra’el to seek our peace and direction so we can return and share the truth with our community who has seemingly been left behind and divided. We are a broken people and it is finally time for us to go back to our source and find our truth.

To be able to go back home would open up doors of opportunities to re-write history that would be passed on to the next generation, leaving behind our negative family legacy.

Our goal is to share our true identity:
The Hebrew community is a loving family that seeks to abide by the commandments. Our desire is to re-train our men to love and respect The Most High Yahuwah, to love their wives, to be fathers to their children. We desire for wives to submit back unto their husbands, as their husbands love them as Yahuwshuah loved his congregation. We desire to teach our daughters modesty, and our sons humility; to obtain the wisdom and understanding of our culture so we can come back into obedience and finally break the curse.
