Gods Got It Israel – Clear the Fog

Gods Got It Israel - Clear the FogGOD’S GOT IT ISRAEL

I first heard the statement, God’s Got It when I did an interview with one of Israel’s sports hero’s. I asked if he could explain how Israel has survived over the past fifty plus years? His answer was , “There is only one explanation, God’s Got It. ” That saying has stuck in my mind for a number of years and God has lead us to develop a major campaign utilizing social media and a world wide television network.

DONATE Today! http://bit.ly/Gods_Got_It_Israel

Our first task is to edit the documentary that we produced into a six part series. ( http://fastcreative.evsuite.com/the-original-promise-feature-film/)

We shot over 40 hours of film and we have a lot to share. These segments will be shown on television virtually around the world and will be carried by the worlds largest cable and satellite network. (TBN)

Our 1st $100,000 in funding will be used as follows:

* $50,000 editing, production & preparation;
* $25,000 social media development and marketing;
* $25,000 travel to Israel for guest and expenses.

God has given us great favour in Israel. We believe that Genesis 12:2-3 is our mandate, ” I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing . I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you. ”

You have the opportunity to be part of an amazing project that blesses Israel and will show the world how Israel is fulfilling what God has promised.

Our flagship website is http://godsgotitisrael.com. We also back that up with a Facebook page, Twitter and You Tube .

We will be producing new content on a weekly basis; much of the content will be shot in Israel. We will be taking high profile people and great story tellers to Israel and we will show the world Israel through their eyes.

Please donate and show your support of God’s Got It / Israel TODAY!!

DONATE Today! http://bit.ly/Gods_Got_It_Israel