In 2011 I had a massive heart attack requiring two stents. This put me out of work and pretty much for any future hope of a sustantial job opportunity. My father later had a coronary incident which has brought me home to care for him and my mother both at 83 years of age. My health being precarious and caring for them has put me what the government calls BPL(Below Poverty Level) I have no health insurance, denied ObamaCare, denied Medicaid because I’m BPL. My dream has been to write a book and I have done it. Bucket list one completed. Problem is the cost to self publish. I ran across this site through divine intervention. I pray someone hears my plea so that I could get published. The name of the book is, “Murder in LA” (Lower Alabama). Part one of a second book completion. Dorrance is my publisher and zero funds in my pocket. I wish I was able to work,however, health issues prevents it . I do volunteer at a literacy center to help people to read and get their GED’s. The center just last month sent books to Central Louisanna for the flood victems. All funds received will go through me to Dorrance in the effort to get my book out there. This means everything to me. I’ve always wanted to write and entertain people. The funds are needed asap. If this venture was to be sucessful and I raise the funds my prayers and wishes for good karma to all who participated. Hopefully the book will do well and I will be able to do more for my parents and then maybe be able to pay for a doctor to see me.