Expelook Social Market Place Kickstarter CrowdFundingExposure.com

Expelook is an Social Market Place where customers sell to other customers their valued items thru video uploads, blog & social media

About this project

What’s It About?

Expelook is a Market Place that helps individual sellers and small business owners sell their products by posting, sharing on the Expelook website thru video uploads of product demonstrations as well as promoting the sellers product on different social media outlets.

Our Plan

Is to have Expelook become the Ultimate Social Market Place where every member has the option to buy or sell valued items to create profits. Expelook’s plan is to become a one stop shop service which has services in video content product, blog and social media sharing for shopping under one platform. The true niche of our service is that we are creating a social impact on every purchase which leads members businesses grow rapidly. This product is designed in a way to help every member sell their products and to be showcased online the best possible way.

The Timeline

We are currently ready to take our product to market for users on desktop. Our current challenge to our timeline is the mobile app development which takes about 2-3 months. We need to correlate the desktop version to the mobile version.

The Budget

Our goal is to raise a lot more than 10K but for now this minimum amount will help us finalize our mobile app that can work in conjunction with our site as well as promote our website services thru different social entities.

Our Logo

It means unity of minds and infinite possibilities- What you think?!



Our platform


Users blog where they place videos and written topics and Expelook shares it on our site as well as different social media outlets for viral visibility.

Support US at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1116121866/expelook-the-social-market-place