Disabled Vet Start Up GoFundME Boost IDIDIT Campaign Donors CrowdFundingExposure.com

Disabled Vet Start Up GoFundME Boost IDIDIT Campaign Donors CrowdFundingExposure.comThe goal for this business is to put and keep disabled veterans to work in the Clarksville, Tn area. This will be expanded as the business grows.

I have been down the same road as many of America’s disabled veterans, not feeling like you belong to anything, alienating yourself because of PTSD, drinking to try and alleviate some of the guilt and pain that we have put on ourselves. PTSD almost ruined me, I was standing at the point of no return and almost became a statistic.

#22 a day. By donating to this start up you will be helping other veterans bring themselves back from the brink, to give back that sense of espirit de corp to vets.

The first thing is feeling like you belong. Your donations will save people who gave to this country. Thank you for your support.
