Back To School

I am a graduate of B.A International Business from Makerere University, Uganda and I have a dream of doing my masters degree and may be a Phd later God willing. But my focus and desire right now is doing a quality & accredited Masters Degree in Energy Management from one of the best International Universities. It has come to over 10 years since I did my first degree. I terribly need a bright future, I am very focused to achieving this dream but I have great hope that this time I am reaching my goal of getting a quality masters degree.
I only have a limited number of days to finish fundraising for my Back To School Project.
Would you be able to help make this a reality?
Buy a T-shirt and support my cause!
It would also really help if you could share my fundraiser link with everyone you know. The more eyes on my fundraiser, the better!
I appreciate all of your support! It would be quite difficult for me to be able to accomplish my fundraising goal without your help.
With love/Sincerely,