Welcoming Our New Little One GoFundME Boost PR Agency CrowdFundingExposure.com

My daughter isn’t supposed to be due until January 26th, but I went into early labor on December 12th, which we were able to stop. I went in at 33 weeks and found out I was 3 cm dilated. Soon went to a 4, then 4 1/2.

I have never been in so much pain. On top of this pregnancy, I also have fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Now the plans have changed and I was told she can be arrive at any time. I’ve been put on bedrest so I am unable able to go back to work until after she is born.

I was working full time with overtime every now and then due to we were understaffed. And even with my chronic pains, I never called in sick, never missed a day (that wasn’t associated with an emergency trip to the ER due to complications in this pregnancy) , and never been late. I love working and I’m a hard worker.

It pains me that I was put on medical leave, not only financially, but emotionally. My boyfriend is working part time because that’s the only schedule we could work with so one of us was home with our 4 year old son. He is unable to get more hours.

What I was hoping to save for was a new car, bills paid on time, and to be able to get the last few things that my daughter needs before she arrives plus Christmas gifts for her big brother (who is picture above while we were waiting in the hospital to see if she was going to come). A big portion of the donation we ask is going to go to a good, reliable, clean safe car to bring her home in, rent paid on time as well as the electricity bill, clothes, diapers, bottles, breast pump, bouncer, crib, wipes, playpen and anything she needs and a good Christmas to bring her in to. Anything helps. If you cannot donate please share. Even that would help a lot.

Thank you for reading!
