About this project
The first of a series:
This is the first book of a series of 10 of the strongest vikings who were chosen by Odin (A god in norse mythology) to fight alongside him in the battle of good versus evil.
The story details the incredible journeys of a Viking god who lost his memories during a mission to prevent a great war among the nine realms, and subsequently trapped on earth and lived among the human race. He was eventually tracked down by his foes. Without any recollection of his past, he struggled for his survival as well as to protect that of his loved ones.
Objective of fund raising:
At the time of writing this book, I hold a full time job from 9am to 6pm in a totally different industry from book writing. Most work days were quite routine; reached home, dinner, some house chores, playtime with a 2 year old (am his ultimate playmate). The entire book was written mainly between 11pm to 2am daily for the past 9 months. As you can probably guess by now, there were countless instances where I dozed off with my fingers still on the keyboard, often ruining the night’s work.
With your generous support, I will be able to put myself in a better financial position to continue with my 2nd book of the series as well as pay for tuition fees and related expenses to work towards a Chiropractic degree, which I hope will enable me to provide affordable chiropractic treatments to financially challenged pain sufferers.
Risks and challenges:
Good news is, the manuscript to my title is completed. It is under going final edit. I do not foresee any obstacle that will obstruct the publication of this book, be it e-book or physical book. It will be launched in e-book format first and made available latest by mid October 2016.
I need your generous support, both in pledges as well as social media sharing to raise awareness of this book. This book is written with an intention to be made into a movie as well.
Without your support, the new superhero I created will not reach the intended audience, a great story will be missed. I really believe the story is great, so do kindly give your generous support!