The Birth The Movie

This is a movie based on the most famous family of all time. Two Thousand years before the Kardashians. A young Jewish couple meet in a harsh, occupied desert. After finding herself carrying a prophesied child. She must convince her fiance to continue with the marriage, deal with their parents, culture, and an invading army to bring the child into the world.

It is the prequel to the Greatest Story Ever Told.

The film being produce is a Romantic Comedy about the most famous couple in the world. It is being told for the first time from their perspective. Shot as a period piece in One BC it has today’s dialog like the Message Bible.

Every person on Earth knows this family.

Their child’s birth is celebrated in 180 of the 195 countries on Earth. The 15 that do not celebrate it are effectively shut down.

Their child is known as a King, Savior, Prophet, Teacher, and Rabi.

Very few know anything about the parents. It will be release in 2019 domestically and 2020 worldwide.

We will continue to re release every holiday season on the last weekend of November domestically as long as we celebrate Christmas as an official start to the Holidays.

It will also be available as a book and a play. Explained later.

Our goal is to create a picture that combines the pre release marketing of Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ” with the guerrilla marketing of “Paranormal Activity” with the cult status of “The Rocky Horror Picture Show.” Using it as a vehicle to repeatedly show in theaters attached to malls every Black Friday weekend until we no longer celebrate a Christmas Holiday.

The reason the ask is what it is.

We need 6.3MM to produce the movie. We will shoot it in California in Santa Clarita and parts of the High Desert.

Another 2 Million to distribute to theaters in the USA.

700,000 to produce and market the Manuscript, (book) by Black Friday in 2018.

The Script is finished but we need to see what the set designer, the Director and his team have in mind before I can write the manuscript.

Movies are show don’t tell, Books are tell because you can’t show. BTW that is why books are considered better because your imaginations fill in the blanks. Did you know that a lot of books are written after the film or have there covers changed for marketing?

The last 1MM is for marketing. Like I said earlier We have a number of outside of the box ideas.
We will be wrapping a bus to travel to festivals in 2019 providing a billboard every weekend to 35K-50K of our target market.

We will be targeting the top 50 Evangelical cities in the USA for meet and greets, dinners, pre screenings and Q&A. As Mel Gibson did with the Passion of the Christ.

Here is the breakdown for rewards.

$1.00 Thank you emailed from the Writer.

$5.00 Shout out on social media. Twitter and Facebook.

$10.00 Presale Ticket.

$15.00 Two presale Tickets.

$20.00 Family Four Pack of Tickets.

$35.00 Movie Poster.

$40.00 Movie Poster and Presale Ticket.

$50.00 Autographed copy of the Script.

$100.00 Invite to a pre screening and Q&A in a city near you.

$250.00 Invite to Q&A, autographed copy of script, Movie Poster, and Two Presale Tickets for opening weekend.

$500.00 Your name in the movie as sponsor.

$1000.00 Your name in the movie as sponsor, invite to Q&A, autographed copy of script, Movie Poster, and Two Presale Tickets on opening weekend.

$5000.00 Trip to LA for red carpet Premiere and diner with the available cast.

$10, 000 Private viewing for your Church, meet and greet with the writer, producers and available cast.

$50,000 5 day trip in the Holy Land with the Writer, members of the Cast, and Producers. Visiting the cities in the story. Nazareth, Judea, Jerusalem, and Bethlehem. Plus trip to LA for red carpet Premiere and dinner with the writer, producers, and cast. Autographed copy of script and Movie Poster.

$100,000 5 day trip in the Holy Land with the Writer, members of the Cast, and Producers visiting the cities in the story. Nazareth, Judea, Jerusalem, and Bethlehem for a family of four. Autographed copy of Script and Movie Poster.

$500,000 5 day trip in the Holy Land with the Writer, members of the Cast, and Producers visiting the cities in the story. Nazareth, Judea, Jerusalem, and Bethlehem for a Family of Four. Name in the movie as sponsor, invite to Q&A, 20 signed Autographed copies of Script, 20 Movie Poster, and One Hundred Presale Tickets on opening weekend. Plus trip to LA for red carpet Premiere and dinner with the available cast.

$1,000,000 Executive Producer credit in beginning of movie. Plus 100 tickets and trip to LA for red carpet Premiere and dinner with the cast, autographed copy of Script and Movie Poster

All rewards $250 and under will be awarded when timing permits before the release in 2019.

All rewards above $250 – $5000.00 except for the insertions of your names in the credits will be awarded on opening weekend.

The $10, 000 private viewing for your Church, meet and greet with the writer, producers, and available cast will be in 2020.

You can find out more information at