Tasha Needs Money for College FREE CrowdFundingExposure.com GoFundME Viral Promo

My daughter is 18 and is making jewelry to sell in an attempt to help herself get through college. At this point she has only been able to sell one and I believe they are incredibly cute. She has worked so hard and I don’t want to see her dreams crashed. You see when she was 8 yrs old I had a precancerous condition and was put in ICU to have my stomach and most of my esophagus removed *we really were not sure if I would live through the surgery* afterwards I was in ICU for 2 weeks and then remained on disability. She worked very hard thru high school to get a 3.8GPA all while worrying about me. Then last year my Barretts*the precancerous condition* returned and now she worries again I am certain. All this means I have not had the chance to save money for her schooling, I don’t want her to have to worry about money for school, and while I was making some $ for disability when she turned 18 they cut my check by $440 and I don’t want her to have to think about paying household bills, I want her to concentrate on her future and school. Please consider helping her. She is registered and starts school on January 17, 2017, I am determined for her to make it thru and graduate so she can live a wonderful life!