Me and my girlfriend Breanna in the picture above have been together now for almost five years. We have been dating since high school and am now both about to graduate college together. She graduates this May and I graduate in December. So, last summer we decided to plan a trip to Thailand and we worked our butts saving up money for it. This is the first time either of us have traveled outside of the country. Being the amateurs that we are, we picked the wrong dates to fly out on. Anybody that has traveled before I assume knows that there are airfare penaltys and such that have to be paid to push our travel dates back. We worked so hard for this trip and I am determined to not let this dream crumble. The funds for anyones gracious donations will go towards these outragious penalties I was unaware of. The funds for this request are needed as soon as possible because of the rising rate of airfare costs closer to our travel dates. Now for some more background. Nobody from either of our families have ever traveled outside of the country before. So during this past summer we have worked at a restaurant as we felt like this was our best opportunity to make as much money as possible during a short amount of time. My girlfriend is such a hard worker. She currently actually has FOUR jobs while enrolled full time during her last semester of school. I only work two jobs while also being enrolled full time in school. Although working as much and as hard as we do we are still unable to make up the deficit our schedule change caused. Both of our parents are separated and have their own difficulties and are not able to help us in our dilemma. So, I am reaching out to anyone possible to make this happen. I have big plans for this trip and wish to continue them, but only with the help from you can make them possible. Thank you so much for any kind of donation large or small!