MHS Pure Science Scholars denotes an organization of alumni with the vision of building on our legacy as professionals of the scientific cohort. The organization’s sole intention is to empower the future generation as we seek the truth, its integrity and increase our knowledge.
Every year candidates from across the Caribbean sit the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC)and Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) under the supervision of the Caribbean Examinations Council. Our organization distributes Award for Academic Excellence to candidates who attempted subjects areas comprising of Science and Technology and would have performed satisfactorily in Linden, Guyana. Now you may ask why Linden, Guyana? Linden is a small decentralized town within the confines of Guyana. High rates of youth unemployment are recognized within the community, in addition, to mass brain-drain since a large number of the cohort are moving/migrating from the rural community.
We help these youths with tutoring services provided to help students prepare for their examinations. Every year we seek donations from persons to help offset a few of our expenses such as those for teaching materials, awards/prizes or even fundraising activities, however, it is evident that fewer persons are supporting our cause, therefore, we have decided to take our campaign to the global stage.
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