Science Fiction Mini Adventure Cards CrowdFunding Promotion

Cyberpunk/Cyberspace styled mini adventures on Poker sized cards for easy and quick gaming – including random names on backsides plus company logos.

This is a small card deck for Sci-fi Game Masters who want to run a quick adventure in a cyberpunk/tech-noir setting.

The deck can also be used to randomly get 150 different Mega Corp titles, 150 different smaller business vendors (as bars, cyber-tech stores, clothes shops etc) and 300 different NPC names.

Also included are 10 different logotypes, high-resolution rendered in Black/White – great for handing out to your players to make the game more exciting!

These cards include:

* 40 different mini adventures with different setups, twists, goals and rewards.
* 10 Cyberpunk/Tech-noir Sci-fi Mega Corp logotypes in Black/White.
* 50 (Backsides) cards with:
3 Mega Corporation business names and branches.
3 Smaller business vendor names and business types.
6 Name suggestions for NPC.