Saving Patch Our Rescue Dog FREE GoFundME Promote Viral Marketing

I rescued Patch last month in September. She was placed on a kill list because she was in the shelter to long in NC. Shes traveled so far and has been through so much all ready. we dont want her to die. any help to save her life again will help us get her the surgery and treatments needed to save her every little bit will help. I can not afford the vet bill for the treatments or the surgery that she is needing to save her life…I don’t expect anyone to pay this bill I’m just needing help to raise enough to help me save her. Patch the doggy we rescued, a brindle pitbull. Has a tumor on her belly, She has HSA. A type of cancer I cannot pronounce. She’s been through so much and it’s going to break my heart , going to the vet tomorrow morning.
I don’t know what I’m going to do,
I can’t afford a thousand plus dollars for surgery and treatment.
She’s such a good loving,calm, joy able dog it’s not fair. I will post picture of tumor she has it’s a bad one. It’s HSA tumor if anyone would like to know what it is and how really bad it is you can Google it. It’s (Hemangiosarcoma tumer) it’s an aggressive cancer that spreads to the heart lungs, liver and kidneys. Can be treated with surgery and after treatment. I just can’t afford it. And I don’t want my baby to die. I just got her. Please please please can anyone help???