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Save Clover House Appeal JustGiving Viral Marketing

We desperately need your help to stave off the closure of children’s charity Clover House as its funding has dried up. We need to keep the doors open so children everywhere can continue to be saved.

Clover House is a Bristol-based children’s charity specialising in an affordable, triple-therapy approach to alleviating a range of emotional, physical and behavioural problems including low self-esteem, eating disorders, trauma, bullying and exam worries.

Over the last twenty years Clover House has proven a consistent 75% success rate and has helped 100s of youngsters gain the confidence to move on to a happy and rewarding life, so don’t let it die out now.

That’s why we’re asking for your donation to continue our work and pass on our legacy.

Please spare what you can NOW – your contribution will make a lifelong difference to saving a child who will otherwise continue to suffer.Your generosity will truly turn a life around for good. Isn’t that worth considering?

The power is in your hands.

Please visit our website for more information: