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Operation “Help find Brian a home. Let’s end homeless together, one person at a time. Viral Exposure Booster Promotion CrowdFunding Campaign Exposure

Hi all,

My estranged, brother through adoption, is homeless. He’s had some very difficult years after he found his biological family.

It’s time to start taking care of our homeless, one at a time to get them back on their feet and safe from the cold winter climate.

I will reach out to several agencies, to help find him a permanent roof over his head, but need help to get him the mental health help that he needs, some dental work, new clothes, help in making his resume, and hopefully, a job to sustain and support himself. 100% of donations go directly to this charity.

Please donate today! It’s going to be a long winter! Hopefully, this will pave the way for more aid where it is needed most!

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