My Website Has Saved 114+ Lives, Help Me Save More GoFundME Campaign

My crowdfunding campaigns intention is to raise funds to create a documentary about my website,, the cases initiated, suspects arrested, and the lives saved!

I have 10 years experience and over two dozen cases here in the United States, many of which still need to be investigated.

Please feel free to post the campaign and promote as you see fit.

I’m also working on a television project for CBS, a documentary movie, and books about the website and it’s positive impact on innocent victims lives.



Additionally, if our clients had clicked on one of our fictitious banner ads, they would have been greeted with a new browser window for the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (, but they didn’t!

To enable ease of use, there is a webform which enables the ‘Solicitor’ to paint the picture of what they would like to have done in their very own words, which is difficult to dispute.

There are no entrapment issues and no services are ever discussed at any time.

Once a submission is received, a reply is sent inquiring if they still required our services and if they would like to have a ‘FIELD OPERATIVE’ contact them for further assistance.

Astonishingly, many do!

It has become MY PERSONAL MISSION to continue to act as a ‘MATCHMAKER’ between these dangerous ‘SOLICITORS’ and my extensive network of 17,985 U.S. based ‘FIELD OPERATIVES’ – aka Law Enforcement.

Coincidentally, that’s the same number of law enforcement agencies in the U.S. in 2016, according to a government report.

Since 2015, I have had multiple satisfied clients in New Kensington PA, San Antonio TX, Plano TX, Anchorage AK, North Providence RI, Gwinnett County GA, Augusta County VA, Oakley KS, Stockton CA, El Paso County CO & points Internationally!

Not all inquiries are sinister in nature. Some are from children being bullied at school, victims of abuse, and others seek to have them self removed by means of assisted suicide. There are even a few inquiries from people seeking employment as apprentices. Nope!

There are two notable cases that have caused me to break silence and bring these threats to the public’s attention.

I am trying to raise funding to produce a documentary about the website and these two cases that rocked my world and will rock yours too!

DANAE, 30F, indicated she wanted three people murdered because they were talking bad about her in the small town she lived in. She acknowledged that the site was HIPPA compliant and requested to have a ‘FIELD OPERATIVE’ contact her. After an investigation, the Kansas Bureau of Investigation made an arrest and she was charged with 3 counts ‘solicitation to commit murder-for-hire’ and was sentenced to 36-months in prison as a violent offender. Coincidentally, she had a profile on a well known childcare-for-hire website and wanted to watch other people’s children. 3 LIVES SAVED!

Several months later, I received an email from DEVON, 20M, male who adamantly requested to have his ex-girlfriend and her parents murdered. In addition to his graphic description, he emphasized he wanted to have her toddler kidnapped, with birth certificate, and transported across state lines. He also acknowledged that the site is 100% HIPPA compliant and requested to have a ‘Field Operative’ contact him. Over the next 10 days, he had communicated his intention multiple times and was subsequently taken into custody. He was charged with two counts of ‘solicitation to commit murder-for-hire’, and decided to enter a guilty plea before the start of his Grand Jury trial. He’s potentially facing up to 80 years in a Virginia penitentiary when sentenced in March, 2019. DEVON also has multiple profiles on several well known childcare-for-hire websites. He too, wanted to watch other people’s children. Not on my watch! 4 LIVES SAVED!

Staunton Man Pleads Guilty In A Murder For Hire Plot – this article directly mentions my website.

As a parent, this truly disgusts me! It’s now my position to help educate and inform children and adults on threats that live online and off.

I am creating this GoFundMe campaign to help spread awareness via books, video, television & film.

Currently, I’m working collaborating with a Producer on an outline for this documentary and we estimate the cost to produce this at around $25k.

Since there is a toddler involved in the DEVON case, I would also like to present the family with a gift and college scholarship.

If you would like to find out more about my website, please click on the link to the story below.

DailyMail UK – ‘DIY detective snared string of would-be killers who contacted his parody hitman-for-hire website asking him to carry out their murders

CBS San Francisco
ABC 7 San Francisco
NBC Bay Area
KRON 4 San Francisco
KNX In Depth

Please feel free to share this post or contribute to my campaign.

All support is appreciated and will enable me to continue to help those who may not even know they need it!

If you have any questions, please email me or post them here and I will gladly answer them for you.

All the best,

Guido Fanelli
CEO Rent-A-Hitman: Your Point & Click Solution

Cybercrime workgroups, members of law enforcement and victims rights groups are encouraged to reach out to me as I would love to collaborate on Internet safety projects for users.