I remember when I was a little girl I always loved to watch different pageant competitions across the world. Being ever able to participate in one of them was my dream, but then I never had courage and confidence to persue that.
Well, a few months ago I decided to sign up for an online Miss competition in Dukascopy community where as a contestant you have to complete tasks and write blogs competing every month to get into the top 10 in order to get a reward. You can check my profile and read my blogs at https://www.dukascopy.com/fxcomm/miss_dukascopy/?action=participant&nickname=simi, or alternatively, https://twitter.com/SMizaraite. Getting into the top 10 was what gave me confidence to apply for other pageant contests as well. So I thought I will try to sign up for UK Power Pageant and guess what, I have received a reply saying that I am through to the grand final taking place on the 10th and 11th of June in Lancashire where 7 winners will be crowned. I am really excited about that, as it is a huge achievement for me!
Of course taking part in the competition will incur some expenses, like sponsorship fee that all pageant competitions require, travel and accommodation, dress and other expenses. At the moment, I am trying to find a company to sponsor me and help me with £300 (including VAT) sponsorship fee to cover my entry into the 2017 UK Grand Finals, which of course is not easy.
However, here are some benefits that the sponsors receive:
Your logo and link would be displayed on www.internationalpageantsuk.com alongside my details for the period up to and including the grand final in June 2017.
As a sponsor you would have the opportunity to have the marketing material eg, flyers, leaflets, distributed to all guests and finalists.
You can find out some more information below:
Big thank you for everyone taking a minute to read this and I would highly appreciate any of your support in making my childhood’s dream come true.
Thanks in advance,
Simona 🙂