Max’s Childhood Home GoFundME Campaign Marketing Viral Promo

Raising funds for Max to be able to move back into his childhood home 30 years later. The house that Max grew up in was sold when his parents divorced back in 1986. Unfortunately, Max’s father recently died. There is no grave to visit, and he has no ashes, therefore preventing closure.

Recently, Max learned that his childhood home was up for sale, and so many emotions came flooding back. He could not wait for an appointment, so Max drove over to the property, unbeknownst to anyone, to take a look for himself.

Almost exactly thirty years after moving out of this house, Max stepped back into his childhood and immediately felt his father’s presence all around, almost saying, “This is it. This is your place. You are home.” This is Max’s origin story. Please help him get back to his childhood home. Thank you in advance.

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