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Lisa needs your support & help GoFundME ViralExposure.Co Campaign

Hi, i my name is Lisa Stamps I have had 2 back surgerys in the past 5 years this past Jan 2018 was the last surgery at a cost of $ 448,687.12 i have proof of these bills, I am in need of your donations now, i am broke and can not pay all my bills, this is very important to me so i can get my life back on track and not loose my home, any and all donations are appreciated, i am disable and have not been able to work and will never be able to work my spine twisted and i have 28 bolts and screws with rods in my back. these are the bills i need HELP with. land taxes $ 1380.55 IRS $ 2260.15 car payment , doctors, medical $ 12956.00 back brace $ 372.21 total amount needed $ 16,968.91.
please pass this to 10 of your friends and ask them to do the same thank you.