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Keep My Family From Being Homeless GoFundME Marketing PR Agency

Hi. I am a hard working Father of 5 children. I work 60 hours a week to support my family. My wife is now progressively disabled and suffers the most from epilepsy with uncontrolled seizures, RA and a heart disease. As you can imagine, with no government assistance yet, the medical bills are also overwhelming.

Just over six years ago, we moved from our house in TN to take care of my wife’s Gram, in her house, who was physically disabled and had advanced dementia/ Alzheimer’s disease. We were her 24/7 caregivers from day 1 until the day she passed.

Her wish was to live at her beloved house and pass at home if possible. My family made that possible. My wife, who should not but did, put her own health last as to care for the Gram she loves dearly. My family worked night and day, as a family should, to ensure Gram was safe, comfortable and loved in her declining years.

We had a purchase agreement with Gram’s son/POA and my wife’s uncle about Gram’s house that we are living in. After Gram passed away in January, nothing agreed upon prior to her passing was fulfilled. Not only was it not fulfilled but the treatment we received from the POA was uncalled for, unexpected and hateful. There was never a harsh word between us at all until after Gram died.

We tried to communicate and work out a compromise, even at our expense, but he refuses to talk to us except through the courts. Now, he is evicting us. He has refused all attempts for us to purchase Gram’s house. So, we have found another house to purchase.

I have a loan approval for the house; but, I can’t come up with the closing costs fast enough to keep my family from becoming homeless. Please, I need help to keep my wife and children off the street. I really dislike doing this, but I feel like I have very few options available at this point. Any assistance anyone can give would be greatly appreciated. Thank You and God Bless.

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