Justice for Dad GoFundME CrowdFundingExposure.com Viral Marketing

Hi all! I’m looking to raise money for my partner to see his beautiful baby girl. He is a 20 year old who has a one year old daughter whom he has only seen about 15 times in her whole life.

Whenever he tries to see her the mother either refuses or blatantly abuses him calling him names and saying inappropriate things. When he does manage to see his daughter the mother abuses him the whole time telling him that his daughter hates him and doesn’t love him.

As a 20 year old, he doesn’t have enough money to pay to do anything about it. It would be greatly appreciated if you can donate even $10 to this cause and share it around.

Bless you all

Please help: http://www.gofundme.com/2tqi4f0