Help with medical cost GoFundME Boost IDIDIT Campaign Donors

Thank you for taking the time to read our story. My wife and I have three children and care for her elderly grandmother.

We have recently been hit with several things that have put a huge burden on the family and are asking for help. My wife being disabled with Chrons Disease has been trying hard to take care of things the best she can. Recently her grandmother that we care for has had a bad stroke that has left her without the ability to swallow, talk, and lose of use of her right arm.

The medical care she is going to need will be more then I can handle being the sole provider for our household. I myself have my own medical issues which I consider minimal to what else is going on, recently finding out that I suffer from a slight Chiari malformation that which most doctors do not recognize as a real issue, therefore is appears medical cost for that will be out of pocket cost as well.

Which could include brain surgery. We are praying for the best outcome right now, which would be to keep our home, and be able to pay the bills that must be paid.We are asking if you can help in anyway if not financially in prayer.