We are a young married couple with 3 beautiful children. We were in Texas living in motels on and off even outside there were days when we had food and times we did not but we always remained humble God gave us an opportunity to move to Louisiana and Was recently homeless but God has pulled us out of it. Everyday is a challenge to stay up float but we have a dream to be able to afford are dream home and give are kids the best life possible. We have no car and my husband works one job which is at home depo full time that he walks to work everyday to he walks miles a day to get to work rain sleet or snow. So much are family needs just dont have the funds to do. For instance my husband dream is to start a real stat business for low income families amd my dream is to my teeth fixed to help me smile more and feel better about myself. For someone to help us in this way would change are life’s so much we will be very grateful