How many of us are living from paycheck to paycheck and if just one unexpected financial hardship takes place it could potentially send us down the black hole towards homelessness? No matter how hard you try, everyone else you know is struggling too and just are not able to give you the help you need to be able to climb up out of that hole.
How many of us know someone who lost the job that kept them afloat; had a medical issue that cost more than they could ever afford; had the chief wage earner die without any insurance leaving all of the bills including the rent and other necessities to the living with no way of easily being able to take care of all of the financial obligations?
How many of us know someone in the LGBTQ community who does not have the support of their family for a variety of reasons? When financial hardships happen and you have no support system things get bad quicker than you can ever imagine.
Just think about that LGBTQ person that you are an acquaintance of. You know a bit about their experiences and challenges they have endured just trying to be themselves. The problem they have not really being accepted by their family, others they know and a large segment of the public You hear that they lost their job and got evicted. .
Who can they turn to?
Who can they ask for help?
How can they feel safe?
Dallas does not have a residential homeless facility that is geared to specifically assist the LGBTQ community with all of the resources needed to work their way out of homelessness, towards self sufficiency while at the same time embracing the uniqueness of this community. Our goal is to build this non-profit with that person in mind and help any and all who reach out to us.
Sanctuary Place of Life-Altering Kindness for Dallas
Our goal is to provide an interfaith, multi-faceted residential facility designed to uniquely assist the LGBTQ homeless and other homeless residents of the greater Dallas Metroplex .
Our goal is to serve the homeless community of the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metropolitan Area by providing an organization that is able to be a foundation, an encouragement, a way station and a mentor while they travel on a path from homelessness to successful acquisition and retention of permanent housing in addition to gainful employment and becoming self sustaining and productive without any loss of their individuality.
This is a long term project as there are many things that are required to receive approval and make the first steps towards the formation of this non-profit foundation and thru the foundation the establishment of our residential facility to combat homelessness. We will provide frequent updates along the way so you know exactly what walls your contribution is knocking down.
Thank you for your help!