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Help Rishi go Study Abroad to ICELAND

Hi, my name is Rishi and I am pursuing my bachelor’s degree in Electrical engineering, with a specialization in renewable electric energy systems at North Carolina State University. I have come across this program, called the Green Program for Iceland, where I will learn about renewable energy innovation and sustainability practices in Iceland. In partnership with Reykjavik University’s Iceland School of Energy graduate study programs, this program will help me explore how Iceland is becoming a leader in renewable energy innovation. I will also learn about how the country is utilizing innovative geothermal energy and hydropower technologies and putting these to work in the circular economy, food production, carbon sequestration and capture, and renewable fuel production. I am extremely interested in sustainability and innovation in solving environmental problems and this program will help me achieve that.

This program is really close to my heart and how this program would be really beneficial in my career and professional development because I always wanted to work for the betterment of nature and humanity. In high school, I used to volunteer at different environmental organizations like cleaning beaches, etc. Now I have got an opportunity to learn more about renewable and sustainable energy, how it’s being implemented in Iceland, which produces effectively 100% of its electricity and more than 70% of its total energy consumption from renewable energy sources. This program will give me a chance to learn about their techniques and help me implement them back in the United States to help mitigate climate change and environmental degradation.

Below is the Course catalog of the Green Program, giving you more information about the Iceland program.

This is the company arranging the study abroad program

The program cost is $4200, the return flight ticket costs is around $900, Visa/Insurance cost around $100, and food/ Miscellaneous cost around $800 which includes buying items for the travel.

I hope to fundraise enough money to be able to go to Iceland and study their methods and innovation in sustainability and apply these methods in my country and help my community and society become more sustainable. Even a donation of a dollar will be really impactful. Any extra funds collected will be donated to environmental organizations like World Wild Fund, OneTree Planted, Ocean Conservancy, Environmental Defence Fund, etc.

I would be really grateful to all the people who help me fundraise this amount and helping me learn ways to help the environment and increasing sustainability in my community and giving back to my society and community.