Help for a happy home GoFundME CrowdFunding Exposure Campaign

Need deposit and first month rent for me and my two young boys to move into an apartment. This is not the kind of thing I usually do and I have had to check my pride and ego tremendously in order to ask for help but I need to be able to have a secure home for my kids in case the unexpected happens.

So the story is that me and my wife have separated and I have had to move back into my moms place. I work fulltime and only get to see my boys on the weekends. There is not enough room at my moms to properly be able to take them for much longer than that. Without saying to much the problem that I have is that if something happens regarding my wife’s ability to take care of my boys during the week I will have nowhere for them to go.

I’m asking for help in funding a deposit towards my own place and also towards a crib, toddler bed and other furnishings I might need to provide a safe and healthy home for my son’s. Thank you for any consideration and for taking the time to even just read this.