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Help Save Rawley the Poodle GoFundME Campaign Viral Marketing

My name is Justine. I am 25 years old. I am the owner of Rawley the poodle. He means the world to me. Rawley is an adorable 7 year old poodle. He is always jumping for joy, he loves running with his doggie friends at the park, and playing fetch is his very favorite of all. He not only brings happiness to me but everyone around him.

He is my best friend. He’s always there to bring a smile to my face when I’m going through hard times. He accompanies me everywhere I go. You can say he’s my road dog.

On October 26th he suffered from a spinal cord injury. He was to excited and jumped in to a bush and landed wrong. He may never be able to do all of the things he loved ever again if he doesn’t get the necessary treament. He is now immobile. His back legs aren’t working anymore. He is unable to urinate and defacate. He requires urgent surgery to repair the slipped disc in his spine which could potentially lead to full paralyzation or worse. With this surgery there is a high chance of full recovery. I am very hopeful for is recovey.

Rawley has a long life ahead of him. I want to continue this journey with him. I am in need of assistance to pay for his surgery it will most likely be tomorrow or sometime this week. I’m not one to ask for help but in this situation it would truly help. Its the unexpected events in life that can break a person.

The donations will go directly towards Rawley’s surgery. The cost of the surgery is estimated up to $8,000-$10,000. Any type of donation is greatly appreciated.