Garrick needs a hospital bed 4 his home GoFundME Campaign

Garrick has a illness called Ehlers danlos syndrome (EDS) (INFO AT www.EDNF.COM)that makes all his joints rip out of socket with the easiest of use. Once his joints completely seperate or dislocate some time for something so small and we all take for granite like picking up a phone and holden it up to his ear or just chewing his food and that’s when his poor ligaments and tendon start to tear apart.

This happens on a daily basis and a host of other symptoms of EDS that goes with it. One of those other things are called a symptom called P.O.T.S. witch means the blood in his body will not pump all the way up to his brain. This means he gets extremely dizzy for nothing and can cause life threatening problems fast.Garrick is bedridden completely do to his health problems and need a hospital be and a electric wheelchair.

Please help garrick get the things he needs to be able to stay at home with his family and not in some stuffy hospital. Thank you very much and please pray for him and his family.

God bless you.