Garrdal 2 piece pipe boot IndieGoGo Boost IDIDIT Campaign Donors

Retrofit pipe boot for replacing or repairing a shingled roof. Allows the installer to weatherproof a roof component(pipe) by flashing around the component when something prevents pushing a conventional boot over the component.

Contractors need to reuse rusty or tarred boots or or wrap with in inferior rubber split boots that cost more than Garrdal, take longer to install and have no support so are not reliable.

A Garrdal 2 piece boot has a rigid base to support the seal, installs quickly, is aesthetically appealing and cost’s less than alternatives. The base of Garrdal is large enough to cover a satellite antenna bracket and the seal can weatherproof pipes from 1 to 6 inches in diameter on most angles of shingled roofs.

Potential market only counting electrical service masts and roof mounted satellite dishes is over a million roofs that can use the product each year.