Hi, my name is Jame and I am 16 years with autism. I am making a gofundme page today to help my family with severe financial problems.
My parents and I are in desperate need of money to fix issues around the house and things like a new vehicle. We live month to month with very limited income on disability and we barely have enough money to pay all our bills and then have nothing left over to do with our lives.
Years ago, my Dad worked 70 to 80 hours a week trying to make an income for our family.
He got injured and we went out of business and in 2008 we started being broke and almost came close with losing our house. For the past almost 9 years, things have been so tight and our roof in the living room is literally leaking and caving in and we need a roof really bad.
We need a new vehicle because our only car is in bad shape and we have to pay an expensive car repair bill every 2 months. We can barely afford to pay our bills and groceries so we can’t keep on having car repair bills.
Also, we need to catch up on bills and pay thousands of dollars in debt and it would really mean a lot to reach our goals.
We’ve been trying to make money online for 2 years but have no luck and we don’t qualify for loans or food stamps or anything to help with our financial problems.
If you are reading this, please understand and help us by making donations today. It would really mean so so much and we wouldn’t know how to thank all of you for the help and support. We need the funds as soon as possible and we would be very grateful for your help!
Thank you so much.