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Fresh Water For Flint Michigan GoFundME Campaign

Flint, Michigan, citizens believe that the water crisis still isn’t over. Despite the state government telling the citizens that the water is now clean, and the copper-lead tests supposedly backing them, many people are hesitant to trust the officials again in their claims of clean tap water.

How Sick Are the Kids in Flint? Inside the Shocking Health Effects of the Devastating Water Crisis

The state’s decision to close the four remaining bottled water stations comes as Gov. Rick Snyder said back in April of 2018. That was over 4 months ago. This comes as strides have been made to reverse the high levels of lead that were found in the water supply.

After Michigan’s governor announced the state will stop providing free bottled water to residents of Flint — afflicted four years ago by lead-tainted drinking water — churches and charities said Monday they’re bracing for a surge in people seeking help.

“Normally we give out whatever a family wants,” said Bill Quarles, a deacon of the First Trinity Missionary Baptist Church. “But now we may have to limit that until more supplies come in.”

The church has been handing out bottled water for the past three years and typically sees about 100 to 200 cars a week. With fewer resources for residents, they cannot do it alone.

Much-needed donations from Fort Wayne, Indiana, and Baltimore, Maryland, aren’t expected at the church until the weekend — and contributions have already been dwindling as water crisis no longer grabs daily headlines.

“The country thinks that the water is fine,” Quarles added, “but the residents and the city of Flint do not trust what’s being said.”

Although state officials said Flint’s water supply met federal standards, the water can still pick up lead when it flows through the thousands of lead or galvanized steel lines that remain in the city.

Flint is working with contractors to replace all of the affected lines by 2020. Just over 6,200 have been replaced so far, said Steve Branch, the acting city administrator. An estimated 12,000 could remain.

One study published in the American Journal of Public Health in 2016 found that the percentage of Flint children with elevated levels of lead in their blood doubled after the switch, which has also been linked to 12 fatal cases of Legionnaires’ disease.

The city switched back to the Detroit water system in 2015, and the crisis resulted in felony charges against emergency managers who had been appointed by Mr. Snyder to help run the city.

The damage is permanent. There is no medicine you can send, no doctor or scientist who has any way to undo the harm done to thousands of babies, toddlers and children (not to mention their parents). They are ruined for life, and someone needs to tell you the truth about that.

They will, forever, suffer from various neurological impediments, their IQs will be lowered by at least 20 points, they will not do as well in school and, by the time they reach adolescence, they will exhibit various behavioral problems that will land a number of them in trouble, and some of them in jail.