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Edamam’s Nutrition Wizard: Know What You Eat Campaign Viral Marketing

The Nutrition Wizard: Know What You Eat
Have you found yourself finishing a salad and thinking “I wonder how many calories was in that?” Of course, you have. And what do you do? Do you call your uncle’s wife who is a professional nutritionist and explain to her in detail what was in the salad, so she can give you a ballpark estimate. Of course not. You remain clueless.

Wouldn’t it be cool then if you can take out your phone, type the ingredients or dictate them and find the answer then and there.

This is what we have in store for you!

We call it the Nutrition Wizard and its magic is to provide detailed and reliable nutrition analysis of any recipe or ingredient list in less than a second.

It is live on our website and is being used by dietitians, restaurants and health nuts alike. Oh, and the same technology powers nutrition for Epicurious, The New York Times Cooking and General Mills’ recipe sites to name a few. (logos of customers)

Now we are bringing this awesome magic to your mobile phone. We have already designed the Nutrition Wizard App for both iOS and Android and have commissioned developers to build it. (screenshots of NW design)

Check out what it can do:

• It will recognize natural language, so all you have to do is type or speak the way you normally do to get the nutrition analysis – bye bye drop down menus and clunky interfaces
• It will provide you with detailed nutrition data for 25+ nutrients: calories, fat, carbs, protein, minerals and vitamins
• It will tell you if the recipe you’ve analyzed is appropriate for a wide range of popular diets, such as paleo, low-sodium or gluten-free to name a few
• It can calculate what percent of your personal allowed daily value of each nutrient you have consumed

Awesome and magical, right?!

And, this is where you come in. To build the app, we need $$$. Hence, the campaign.

So, if you care about eating healthy and people making smart and informed food choices, please CONTRIBUTE now and help us build the app that will bring the magic of real time nutrition analysis to everyone.

Stepping stones

1. Build the Basic App
This one will be free and will tell only calories, but it is the platform on top of which all of the other awesome features will come.
— $10K

2. Build the Nutrition Wizard Plus App
This is the app most of you are signing up for. It will give a very detailed and personalized nutrition analysis in an instant. Want to know how much sugar or Vitamin A is in your food? Not a problem. Want to know if you have eaten more carbs than you should today? Solved. Only $5.95 a month and you can use it on any platform and device from anywhere.
— $5K

3. Build the Pro versions for Dietitians and Food Service Professionals
These versions have the fancy features, such as exporting data, integrating with food trackers, saving one recipe as an ingredient for another and so on. The extra features come with a price. Subscription will be $11.95 and $14.95 respectively.
— $5K


Contribute $30+
You will get 1 year free subscription to Nutrition Wizard Plus.

Contribute $70+
You will get 1 year free subscription to one of the Pro versions or 2 years free access to the Plus version. You will also receive an e-book with 365 daily tips and recipes developed by in house food experts and nutritionists to help you eat healthy every day of the year.

Contribute $140+
You get a lifelong subscription to any version of the Nutrition Wizard, the e-book with 365 daily tips AND we will mention your name in the credits of the apps in the Apple and Google Play stores.

About Us

What’s Edamam About
We are here to help people eat better!

Our driving force is a firm believe that having the right information when making a food choice, leads to smarter decisions and, ultimately, to healthier and happier lives.

So, we, at Edamam, set out to organize the world’s food knowledge in order to give it back to people and empower them to make those smart food decision every day and everywhere.

We have come a long way since we started the journey 5 years ago. We have developed great technology and products. Among our proudest achievements are an industry beating database of 1.5 million nutritionally tagged and analyzed recipes and the most sophisticated nutrition analysis engine on the market (used by our Nutrition Wizard). This technology has helped us become the nutrition engine behind some of the most respected food, health and wellness businesses.

Our customers and partners include companies such as Epicurious, The New York Times, General Mills, Samsung and Nestle. But it’s not only the big guys. Dietitians, restaurants, catering companies, health and wellness apps all use us on a daily basis. And, of course, most importantly, people like YOU.

We are proud of what we have achieved and that with our products and services, we make a difference in peoples lives.

So join us with your contribution and help us help everyone eat better. The journey continues and we still have a long way to go.

Welcome on board!

The founder in his own words
Hi, food lovers!

My name is Victor Penev and I am a serial entrepreneur, who has built successful businesses before, including Bulgaria’s largest Internet company. Edamam is the love child of my twin passions for food and technology and it was born out of the desire to help people eat better.

I truly believe that technology has the power to change lives and if use it in the right way, we will make the world a better place.

I am an obsessive cook and constantly try new recipes and ingredients. I have a deeply rooted curiosity about food, its origins, health benefits and ways to prepare it. And, I am under the spell of the kitchen magic with its waft of fragrances, the panoply of colors and textures and the alchemy of turning a few simple ingredients into a transcending experience.

You can say I LOVE cooking. I also LOVE what I do at Edamam and urge you to join us on the journey to build a better world through better food.